Sundate Brodate
Bowling | Billiards Hola! What's up guys!? I know it's been a long time since I wrote something on my blog. You already know this usually happens when procrastination strikes! Hahahaha This is a very long overdue post *heavy crying emoticon* Can you imagine it? It's almost the end of 2016!? Time flies really really fast and I'm just here not doing anything meaningful and productive in my life *sighs* Anyway, before the year ends I promise to post the other pending and super pending blog posts. Hahahaha So, let's get started! I have tried bowling many time together with my friends and I've become a fond of it! So, I've convinced this two boys to go with me, since I also want them to experience it. And I was not wrong they had a total F-U-N! Look at that! Who do you think won the best - in - throw - the - ball - and - pose - like - a - pro photo? Hahaha Afterwards, these two boys with my decided to play billiards. I actually d...