Blog Challenge #18

Day | 18 Three things you are proud of your personality.

Let's just make it brief. I don't want to sound boastful! Hahaha There are parts that I love and hate about personality but I love being me. *wink*

1. Deep relationship. I maybe acquainted with a lot of people but there are only few that I consider my true friends and I create deep relationship with them. These are the people who know and love the deepest part of me. Having deep relationship is more intimate and true.

2. Open-minded. I always try to balance things out. I always give someone a benefit of a doubt. I hear and understand the other side of the story. We never knew their struggles. They may look happy outside but deep inside they are fighting to survive or they are in pain. We just have to accept, understand and respect each other because I too want to be treated like that.

3. Honest. Sometimes I can be brutally honest (hahahaha) If you ask for my opinion, I always say what I think. If it hurts then I cannot do anything about it and besides they say that Honesty is the best policy (hahahaha) I also want people to be truthful to me.


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