The Bi/etter Me | 03

I am not particularly sure if I should write this on my blog but then a little voice is whispering to me again. Tonight, as always I had trouble sleeping so, I was scrolling Facebook posts and I stumbled into this article You may take a look about this article.

The article is titled "26 Things You Do As An Adult When You've Experienced Childhood Emotional Abuse", I don't want to say that I have, but then I looked into the 26 things that this article stated and I do/did all of it. And then, I ask myself did I really experience childhood emotional abuse? Maybe all of us did one way or another? I don't know. Right now, I was just recalling my childhood memories.

I grow up in a household wherein an adult is into cursing but I do understand that it was just her way to express anger, sadness, excitement and even happiness. Cursing everyday, all the time.

I grow up constantly feeling pressured, to be compared to somebody else. Pressured to be good, to do well and not to give a bad reputation to my family's name.  Is it because I am the eldest? That I should always set a good example? my younger siblings look up to me, I should always show that I am strong, that I can do things alone.

When I was young, I remember that whenever I wanted to try new things, people that very close to my heart would say that I can't do it, I'm not good at it, I don't look good, I remember them saying that I was ugly. It crashed my self-esteem. And now, if someone would compliment me I would always doubt it. I never gained my confidence back, I'm just faking it, I'm just faking that I am confident. And do you know what's worse? When the person who you love so much, who's supposed to make you as a whole, who's supposed to guide you said that I would never succeed. WTF Brain!!??? Why am I crying? Why do these memories come back? It's 1:15 AM. Brain why so being sentimental? Brain, why you do this?

Look at me now I'm 26, a person who keeps on quitting her job because she can't find herself, a pure failure, never achieved anything. I always thought that I could prove to this person that hey! look at me! I am successful now~ but I guess it won't happen anymore. I'll explain on my next post one by one the 26 things as stated on the article.


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